This post has been migrated from an old server & blog system. Some things may look strange, such as formatting. Some links and images may be broken. I will try getting around to fixing it ASAP.
One of my New Year's Resolutions for 2010 is to start blogging more. So here I am, blogging. I was thinking that I would start posting links to things I find interesting while browsing the internet at the end of each day. So without further ado, here are my interesting links for the day! I have yet to come up with a witty name for these kinds of posts, but it will come, rest assured.
io9 posted an article about the 10 things they fear will happen in 2010. A good list, although I think the Large Hadron Collider producing a planet-eating black hole would be a
tad worse than another season of contrived writing on Heroes. Although Lost ending anything like Battlestar Galactica would be the end of the world for me...
» For those aspiring filmmakers,
Lifehacker posted an awesome guide on how to make your own video camera stabilizer. Perfect to make as a gift for that uncle who is always taking family movies! Hopefully this will make it so his family movies doesn't induce motion sickness.
Sundays are slow, so only two interesting things tonight. Sometime this week, I'll be posting my review of Doctor Who - The End of Time. I'll also be commenting on the possible strike of OPSEU - the Ontario College Professors Union - whom at least seem to have morally permissible grounds for striking compared to CUPE3903 (York University Teacher Assistant's) last year. Sometime later this month, I'll also be posting about how ridiculous Canadian politics can be, why serialized television shows should not be feared by TV executives, and the beginnings of my journey into computer programming. Until then...